Microchipping your dog: is it worth it?Before we start talking about its worthiness, Let’s learn some facts about what is microchipping and what it really does. Microchipping...
Why your dog stares at youYou are in the kitchen preparing some food and there they are, staring at you. You head to the bathroom and on your way out, there they...
Spring safety tips for your dogSpring is finally here, the days are now getting longer and we are starting to put away our winter gear, getting ready for all the fun...
Are dogs affected by daylight saving time change?Does it affect your dog when daylight saving time comes around? You bet! On Sunday, March 12th our clock moved forward by an hour and...
Human foods that are poisonous to dogsYes, they are part of our family, and we want to share not only our bed with them; we want to share our table food as well, but before we...
5 reasons why dogs are good for you1) Dogs make you feel less stressed This is so true, you just have to try it out! Feeling stressed? Pet your dog! Studies have shown that...